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Cookmore just made my job easier!

As a single foodie mom, I really have to work hard at organizing and maximizing my day.

That includes grocery shopping and cooking for my small single family.  The task of finding recipes and keeping them in one place is what I’m trying to work on until I found CookMore .

Now, I have to admit that I’m not really a kitchen person.  At one time, I thought about converting my kitchen into a walk-in closet.. lol

I am so bad when it comes to planning menus, as well.  If I can make it an 30 minutes, than that is my menu.  But, I love interesting and delicious meals, so my kitchen rule sometimes nulls itself.. lol

My task of searching for menu recipes is a difficult one indeed.  Plus, I have to find something any finicky eater will eat. My son has to be the most finicky eater I’ve ever encountered.

So, my menus change often trying to find the right recipe to satisfy my five-year old and myself.

CookMore has tons of recipes that look absolutely scrumptious!

I have already started making my own personalized cookbook.  I can organize my recipe collection in one place.  I will have the most awesome cookbook that works for me and my family!

CookMore really made this the most easy way to cook more for my family.  Everything you need to plan a family food menu is right here to save menu research time.

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The recipes also come with an estimated calorie count built into the recipe planning process. So, when I’m feeling that extra super healthy kick, I can plan accordingly.

Plus, I can create a grocery list to get everything in my menu plan!  This is a super win-win for me.  I can create my menu plan and have a grocery list ready when I go to grocery store.

It’s the perfect winning combo of resources for any busy mom and dad!

Sign up for CookMore now to gain access to recipes, cookbooks, meal planner, calorie counter, grocery list, and so much more! You have access to LOTS of FREE recipes–with something for nearly every diet or culinary preference. But, even better than that, you have access to visually appealing (and did I mention delicious) recipes, inspiring food concepts, and award-winning chefs–designed to meet your needs.

This post contains my affiliate link. This does not influence or change my opinion.


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