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I wanted to let all my readers know about one organization that I love for many reasons.  It’s much more than a recycling organization. It’s a network.  I’ve made good friends, recycled my baby stuff through this program and have also been on the receiving end.

Now, some of you are saying what is this Freecycle and some of you already know what I’m talking about.

The idea was ‘born’ on May 1st, 2003, by an individual name Deron Beal.  It started small but has grown to over 85 countries, with millions of members. It’s all about people helping people and ‘changing the world one gift at a time.’  People give freely with no strings attached.  They instill a sense of generosity of spirit as they strengthen local community ties and promote environmental sustainability and reuse.

Members are known as Freecyclers. We give things away that we no longer use so that it may be put to good use.

I once gave my son’s canopy crib away through this program to a family that needed one at the time.  They absolutely loved it and I loved the feeling of seeing that it went to good hands. That crib has plenty of life in it, because I heard that after this family was done with it, it was freecycled to another family.  When my son successfully was potty-trained I freecycled his remaining pull-ups.  Also, It helps to clean out the closets to give you more room in your house.  I know I’ve cleaned my house of oodles of boxes baby clothing and the recipient was so thankful.

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It can be addicting.. the good feeling addicting.

It’s a recycling program that works! They are currently keeping over 500 tons a day out of landfills! People from all walks of life have joined together to turn ‘trash’ into treasure. It’s not really trash, just things that have plenty of life in them still.

There are no membership fees to be a member as it has always been free to participate.  The Freecycle Network acquired its nonprofit status in 2006.

Check it out.


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