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As a parent, the first thing you need to do is acknowledge that you may have a different situation. It means you are in a different situation than the average person.

But there’s more.

A lot of people often doubt, wonder whether autism is really that serious of a disease.

No! Autism is real and has real-life consequences.  And, as parents, we want you to know that. This article is dedicated to the relationship between mom and autistic child.

Autism is a brain disorder that affects the brain, developmentally, cognitively, and behaviorally. The disorder is a serious condition that can cause difficulty in school, social difficulties, communication struggles, or difficulties in making and following rules.  Just about everyday life.

autism awareness

It’s like having a child who does not have a driver’s license. You have a child who may have difficulty communicating, and you have a child that is not ready to drive in the car with you because he or she is not able to take control when it comes to driving. That’s because the brain does not communicate with a child. That’s autism. It’s the brain not communicating and that’s scary for anyone who cares about their child.

Before we get into the specific issues, let’s talk about being a mother to someone with autism.

Motherhood to an autistic child

A relationship between an autistic child and a mother is a very powerful one and it can shape not only their life and personality, but of course the family unit and the family dynamics as well. It is very much up to you to build a healthy rapport with your child and it is up to you to be a good mother to your child. While you build this rapport, your ability to relate and connect with your child will also be greatly enhanced.

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As a mother, you are going to be faced with times where you can’t be on top of your game, and there will be days where you lose it. However, I really can say with certainty you will never encounter anything as challenging as being a single parent to an autistic child, and having the strength and grace to deal with it and still be a great mom, parent and sister of those with autism.

When your child is diagnosed with autism, you will most likely feel overwhelmed, confused and frightened as you know the unknown is on the horizon. It is normal to feel this way.

Being consistent is key as a mother

So, if we look from the mother’s perspective, her child represents a lot of great and beautiful possibilities and she is going towards a whole new world and that is all the more interesting, which is why parents love their child. The only way you can support your child is by recognizing that he or she is different from you. You need to set a good example as a parent in showing your child to accept him or her.

The good mother is able to provide her child with love and security- both emotional and physical. The good mother is secure and knows how to provide love and security and take good care of her child.

The good mother has the capacity to love her own self above all. The good mother loves her own self. She doesn’t tolerate being wrong and doesn’t tolerate feeling sorry for herself. The good mother knows that she must take care of herself first. She is not in her mother’s shadow. If necessary she will step up to own the mother’s role. Thus by working together and being connected with one another.

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The good mother is good with money. This might sound trivial, but not if the mother is being an effective educator. By being able to provide funds for her child’s material needs it will create self awareness in the children. And self awareness is one of the best drivers of the development of the autistic child. The child will gradually realize how to manage money.

Encouraging your autistic child to socialize

Encouraging your autistic child’s unique sense of self-reflection, curiosity, humor, and unique ability to connect with other children and adults is an important way of helping him adapt to society. The key to social interactions for an autism daughter or son is often a combination of patience and understanding.

So today we’re here to take the final step by providing you with three tips on having your autistic child develop an appropriate level of social interaction into the world of non-autistic kids. By following these steps you will be increasing their chances of reaching a high level of social inclusion.

Tip 1: . Try to be at the table

When your child starts to experience difficulties in socializing with other kids she/he has to start at the table. You are the best place to start, so set up a conversation with her to get familiar with her skills and then slowly ease yourself and your child to more familiar socialization places so it’ll happen naturally and it will be easier.

Tip 2: Play with their toys

National Austism Resources has put forth some suggestions about how you can start to encourage your autistic child to be the best that they can be. They toys are all designed for the autistic child, however the toys provide the proper tools to have your child develop into more of who they really want to be on their own.

Tip 3: Be yourself to kids of different ages

Another thing your child can do is to be friendly and to be himself. You might ask him “what do you want to do now?” because he might like playing with a doll, or make some noise to surprise a little girl. He can also do small things with himself that are familiar to him and make him relaxed. These little things are small enough to play alone with him.

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These will work great! Just remember: it’s about being yourself with kids of different ages rather than trying out other kids socialization techniques.

Tip 4: Share your own experiences when they are not successful

Another great way to get the child’s interest and make him socialize in a more successful manner is to share stories about how they were socialized in the past. This is great because most kids love to ask you those kinds of things about how you were born and how you were treated since you were a baby,


According to the research by Child Mind Institute, autism is on a steady slide towards its eventual disappearance. The research concludes that “the percentage of new autism cases that appear in each decade appears to decrease. This pattern suggests that the increase in autism incidence over the last 2 decades is more directly correlated with early childhood educational and parental characteristics than is the rate of increase for autism itself.

We are a resilient species and, through our experiences, we have been genetically hard-wired to recover psychologically from life’s upsets. You will be able to recover from this experience of being the parent of an autistic child. That is, you will be the most wonderful parent to your child in all the ways that you have worked to become; a gentle, loving, compassionate person.

And what I love most of all in this, autism is so universal, that regardless of what environment you find yourself in or what part of the autistic spectrum you are, you can find support and understanding to be an amazing mother to your child with autism.

autistc child


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