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Motivation comes in ripples. One era you are in the zone ready to take on the world and start large-scale campaigns, while the next day you are unable to get that flicker back.

There’s a lot of information regarding how to motivate yourself out there, but most of them are not that effective. Today, I will go over how to get yourself to do anything as effectively as possible, and we are starting right now.

If you rely on motivation alone, you wont go anywhere.

It comes and leads like movements in an ocean. Some of the time, you will work hard, while you wont get anything done in another.

If you want to do something large-scale, you need consistency. You have to constantly put in the work to get where you want. So if you cant rely on pure motivation, what do you do?

Well, you have to create systems to keep yourself going. Even when “you’re forever” unmotivated. You have to assume your future self will be unmotivated and shiftless and its up to you to create a system that will make achieving your goals.

Here are the 4 easy steps to create a system that will help you do anything

1. Plan for Disappointments

What stops you from committing to what you need to do? You will usually have a bunch of justifiable reasons as to why you cant do it.

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How to Motivate Yourself to do Anything

For example, if you wanted to eat healthier and start cooking, prepare healthier snacks, you might come home one day and complain that it is too time consuming, and you would rather rest.

Another example would be if you wanted to start working out in the morning and you wake up saying you are too tired, Try to set things up so that your chances of failure are reduced to the lowest.

For the first example on eating healthier, you could get the person you are living with to take out the food you wanted to cook from the refrigerator. When you arrive home, the food will be right there on the counter and you have no choice but to cook it.

For the second example, you can put your workout gear near your bed in the morning. So, by the time you get up, they are right in front of you and you might as well put them on and go workout.

You should make a list of what you need to accomplish your goal. You might come to realize that if you set and adjust these steps, you are more likely to follow through.


2. Put It on Your Calendar

A simple calendar app is all you will need for this system to work. Program your phone assistant to remind you.

You want to decide ahead of time when you are going to do the thing you need to do and plan out when you are doing it. Set a notification to alert you when it is required to do your thing on the calendar app and you are good to go!

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Lets do a quick example: Say I want to workout in the morning at 8 am three times a week. I want to workout on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for an hour, so I would configure those notification reminders in my calendar app.

Be sure to notate when it will end so it’s more clear for you and it doesn’t look that daunting.

3. Develop the Focus You Need

You might be where you want to be like the gym or at your table, but if you cant focus, then it is pointless. It’s important to do some imagine visuals. What is the #1 purpose you want to achieve? Put that goal anywhere beneficial. Have it in your telephone, have a post it memo of it on your desk or get creative with it!

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You want to see that goal whenever you are where you want to be so that it can help you focus. There are other ways to develop the focus you need, such as giving yourself a reward when you are doing what is necessary, but I envision the method of having your goal in front of you is the most effective.

4. Test and Adjust, Adjust, Adjust!

How do you know if a arrangement works for you? You have to test it and make adjustments. Most parties tend to fall a bit short-lived on the 1st and 3rd step.

For the 1st step. They might miss a few required sections and continue obliging self-justifications to not follow through. This isn’t a hard task to fix. As you can notice which fragments are not in the right place. Place them where they need to be next time.

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For the 3rd step, everyone has different ways to develop the focus they need. So a lot of testing is required to figure out what works. Don’t quit altogether. Different people have different methods to help them focus. Find yours!


You will need to try a lot of different things, but don’t get inhibited. Once you can get the right system that’s working for you, you will be ready to get things done!

Read More: 12 strategies to UNLEASH your inner power now!


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