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We all have different ways of dealing with stressful contexts. Maybe you like to go to the gym and workout, or maybe you like to turn the music up in your car and sing along to the radio, when you’re stressed out.

Either way, these two types of coping mechanisms are good and healthy, since they aren’t harmful to you or others. But there are some undesirable coping mechanisms that you might have due to stress, that can be harmful to you and or other people.

coping mechanisms anxiety stress

With that said, here are five common harmful coping mechanisms that you shouldn’t ignore.

Number one, magnetism positivity.

I’m sure you’ve heard the call, good vibes only. This declaration and its accompany sensibilities, have become part of our societal culture.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having a positive mindset. Positivity can be a pretty powerful tool when are you gonna evident that in your life.

However, the notion of exclusively positive vibes, have been taken to the extreme. Toxic positivity. Toxic positivity should not come from a neighborhood of sincere gaiety, it comes from a place of denial, invalidation or minimization.

It’s an attempt to display a positive disposition at all times, even when you’re not in the best of moods. It’s usually so excessive, that the harmful positivity terms are obvious.

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Some examples of poisonous positivity are, “Don’t think about it, tested positive. Everything will work out in the end. If I can do it, so can you.” Or, “It could be worse.”

When you thrust yourself to be positive at all times, you’re placing a ban and quashing your feelings, which can lead to doubt, shame, and relational problems with others.

Sometimes life really sucks, and no quantity of positivity can fix it. It’s all right to be angry, distrustful, ruffled or deeply upset about things. The good and the bad affections are all part of being human.

Number two, isolating yourself.

For now, being socially distant is our safest option. But there’re other ways you might be isolating yourself without realizing it. Socially isolating yourself simply because you don’t like the people who are around you, is not a healthful habit.

This can make it harder for you to relate to others overall, when you do something like this. As a category, we are social animals and we crave and need suitable alliance with other people.

You can learn a lot from the people around you. When you connect with others in a healthy form through supportive meetings and good healthy talks, you’re allowing yourself to grow emotionally and mentally.

Fostering your mental resilience can be helpful when times of stress do arise. If you feel agitated in social status, try going to see an happening with someone you know, or reach out to a professional therapist, who can teach you techniques to reduce the stress you feel caused by social situations.

Number three, acceptance.

When mortal bad happens, our intelligences immediately embellish the happening, that draws it seem like it’s the worst possible thing to have ever happened to you.

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stress coping mechanisms anxiety

It’s a mental trait that has kept humans alive for millions of years, so the same mistakes won’t be repeated in need of survival.

However, in our modern epoch civilization, it functions as a self-defense mechanism, you prepare for the worst just in case.

But, this behavior might be causing you more stress than required. High levels of stress can lead to severe mental and physical health problems, like dip and even heart disease. A tool to help overcome this need to catastrophize would be, to allow yourself to think of the five top worst outcomes.

And then, ask yourself, how likely they are to actually happen. If you are interested in a bad sequel is truly likely, then plan for that one outcome, create a plan that is adaptable and doable in case it needs to change. This will give you a better sense of security move forward, and originate little stress in your life.

Number four, oppressing your feelings.

Are you you quelling your feelings because you think that no one cares? Or that it’s a waste of time? Often, this behavior is a type of self-defense mechanism, that triggers when you believe that you no longer have authority over a certain situation.

Whether you choose to overreact or under react, you are not giving your emotions a chance to be aired out. While there should be a degree of psychological self-control in place, we should remember to be genuine with how we’re feeling and express it calmly and reasonably, in a way that does not harm others.

If you are more likely to overreact when something goes wrong , notice any physiological changes. Usually your organization is a good indication of how you’re actually feeling.

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Taking a moment to study and floor yourself in your body, can help you minimize stress and abbreviate feeling outbursts.

There’re other ways to shake out quelled excitements, such as yelling into a pillow, dancing or working out.

unhealthy coping mechanisms

Number five, glamorize the past.

The past can hold a certain appeal, where reference is applied our wistful goggles on, especially when the present working looks dim and not as promising.

Unfortunately, we can’t resurrect the past. Things happened and occasions are, they did not happen accurately as you imagined they are able to. Living in a wistful daydream of what have had an opportunity to, can defraud you of opportunities that you need to be taking advantage of in your current present.

If you find yourself taking frequent junkets down memory lane, figure out what specific requests to you about those memories, and try to recreate them in the present.

The present can sometimes be dim and gray, but your perspective depends on how you choose to handle it.

So, which of these coping mechanisms did you relate to most? How do you healthily or unhealthily is dealing with stressful occasions?

Share your experiences with us in comments below.


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  1. I always isolate myself. I prefer my own company. People are annoying.

  2. My son and his dad both have conditions that don’t help this at all. Thanks for the tips!

  3. Even at 45, I am still learning healthy coping mechanisms. I’m an introvert so, I am extremely good at isolating myself and distancing myself, socially. I always remind myself to find a healthy balance in all things.

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