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Are you looking for ways that you can improve your child’s thinking skills? Here are five tips on how you can help them!

improve your child's thinking skillsMetacognition is a wonderful word! It simply means ‘thinking about thinking.

We utilize metacognitive expressions and words all the time in everyday speech, like “What do you think…?” or “Imagine…,” “I

The greater understanding we have of any topic, the better informed we will be about it. This is especially true for our thoughts and words.

The first stage in children’s communication development is at a cause and consequence level – they do or say something, and as a result, something occurs. Children will self-talk their play out loud as they practice speaking.

Words, on the other hand, are less essential for younger children. However, as they get older, words become increasingly involved in the thinking process. They can comprehend complicated concepts and ideas after they have learned the language. Some research suggests that the act of thinking may help to enhance language abilities.

Children must be able to think about the meaning of words and language, as well as have some understanding of how one’s mind works. You can improve this technique by encouraging your kid to consider his or her thinking from an early age.

improve your child's thinking skillsRaise their metacognitive awareness to help children improve their language abilities.

Here are some crucial pointers for developing sound Metacognition abilities in children:

  1. Talking about the etymology of words – where words come from. It also sheds light on unusual spelling, since youngsters understand that words originate from various languages. At different periods in history, so many distinct languages have influenced English.
  2. Discussing new words in our languages, such as foreign food terms (such as sushi) or technological-specific coinages (such as megabytes).
  3.  Looking for homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings (eg eight and ate). It is fun to find them and important for children to know which one is which and how to spell them. Many, many homophones are everyday words.
  4.  When people communicate in a non-literal fashion, such as when someone says something that isn’t exactly what they mean, make sure youngsters understand what. This includes idioms (eg “You drive me up the wall!”) You can have fun looking out for these in everyday language and imagining what would happen if the phrase was literal. Make sure they understand sarcasm, too.
  5.  Introducing your child to poetry full of metaphors. Creatively express your emotions and feelings. -> Encourage them to create their poems by using images from their imagination.
  6.  Make certain that your child understands how the tone of voice may affect a person. Discuss how a person’s tone of voice might make a big difference.. Try saying the same phrase in a variety of tones to express a range of feelings.
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The English language is rich in terms that are used to discuss cognition. It’s a vibrant and exciting language that keeps evolving. One of the greatest treasures that we may offer our children is a love for the intricacies of words and language.

In doing so, we may help children develop their metalinguistic skills while also assisting them in improving their talking, writing, and reasoning abilities.

improve your child's thinking skills


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1 Comment

  1. I always try to implement this with my children.

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